KIPP Memphis has been Awarded a $2 Million Innovative Schools Models Grant from the TDOE

KIPP Memphis Public Schools (KMPS) has been awarded a distinguished grant to provide invaluable learning experiences to our students. The Tennessee Department of Education has approved $2 Million to KMPS through the Innovative School Models (ISM) grant. The grant is part of the state’s commitment to ensure Tennessee is future workforce ready. This is a significant achievement for our schools and we are thrilled to have this opportunity to enhance our students' academic journey.


“This grant will enable us to develop and implement programs that help students succeed in life,” said CEO Dr. Antonio Burt. “Our aim is to ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to excel in the workforce and contribute to the growth and prosperity of their communities.”


New Programs & Initiatives

With ISM, KMPS will provide several opportunities for our students to develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a deep understanding of the world to prepare them for success in any career path they choose.

  • Career & Technology Educational (CTE) Program - aimed to provide industry certifications to Tennessee’s highest-demand careers. 

    • We are proud to be partnering with organizations such as; the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN), Greater Memphis IT Council, Code Crew, Junior Achievement, Mechatronics, and the Greater Memphis Boys and Girls Club to bring industry certification programs to our students. 

    • These partnerships will provide our students with valuable opportunities to gain hands-on experience and earn industry-recognized credentials that will prepare them for success in their future careers.


  • Transforming STEM into a state-of-the-art program - As a STEM Center of Excellence, KIPP Memphis Collegiate Middle and High School will greatly increase access to industry credentials.

    • Our students will have access to cutting-edge technology and equipment, as well as a dedicated team of teachers who are passionate about STEM education. 

      • We will establish three state of the art laboratories: Engineering, 3D Printing/Lecture and Agricultural/Biotechnology 


Our goal is to provide KIPPsters with a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in the workforce and will have a transformative impact on our school and our community as a whole. KIPP Memphis is committed to ensuring that every scholar has access to the best education possible, and this grant will help us to achieve that goal.


We are excited to embark on this new chapter and look forward to the positive impact that these additions will have on our families. 

Terresa Todd